Thursday, 17 September 2009

Tokyo Fenzy!

There's something about this city that really fascinates me to the max! I don't quite know whether it's the sur-real kitsch fashion sense of the inhabitants, their fashion forward attitude, or just their sheer confidence, or a mix of all three.
These girls must spend hours and lots of money on these outfits to make them look so perfected! Whether they're wearing matching accessories or a clash of a collection, they always manage to look so perfectly styled! I could spend hours looking through a collection of photos documented on their style. They're oozing in confidence, and with that a happy, care free attitude.
I've researched into Japanese fashion, and found out that Harajuku Station is the place to visit on a Sunday afternoon. Apparantly, every Sunday, young people dressed in a variety of styles spend the day in Harajuku socializing. The fashion styles of these youths rarely conform to just one style, and are usually a mesh of many!
Definitly one way to beat a Sunday daytime TV!!!

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