Friday, 11 September 2009

I think this is an absolutly amazing and innovative idea created by Beach Vintage. Her blog is truely inspirational to me, and i recommend to any vintage lover to check her out!
I've always wanted to create a creative memory of holiday destinations i've been to, but i've only really ventured to creating scrapbooks, which usually turn out quite costly.
Even if i haven't been to the destination, some places like Pairs are beautiful places to create frames similar to these with second hand postcards.

Credit to:


  1. Hi Rebecca. Thanks so much for featuring this project and my blog. And thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Great colourful and inspirational blog you have, well done! xx Simone

  2. Thank you very much Simone! I'm so lucky to have come across your blog, it inspires me so much for my university projects! I will carry on crediting you! :) x
