Sunday, 2 August 2009

Wildfox 2008 Spring.

I found these images from Wildfox's collection for spring 2008. I love the bold, statement lines placed next to the soft, summer image. Without the text on these images, i think they could easily be skipped past, and not as much attention paid to the collection; therefore proving text can be that finishing touch that a lookbook needs to attract the attention of the viewer. The text in these images instantly gives the overall look a quirky, more modern feel.
The top images where the text is faded more into the background is ideal to compliment the soft, sun faded image, and provides a more romantic, soft appearance compared to Wildfox's other garments in the collection. I would love the 2nd image from the top to be printed A1 size for me to frame in a vintage silver frame to hang in my bedroom. (v)

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