Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Wildfox Spring 2010

I'm loving this new photoshoot from Wildfox so so much!! It is so truely inspirational for anybody to create a photoshoot based on this theme, whilst to have fun creating it too!! Each photo has it's own reasons and creativity behind it that really catches my eye!! I never get bored from looking through this shoot!
This is most definitly my favourite model from the three girls in the shoot. I love her dark hair, very vampy, and i think it makes her look very pure and really brings out the darkness of her eyes compared to her porcelain skin. Such a beautiful shot of her.
ADORE THIS WALLPAPER!!! I'm going to wallpaper my bedroom in my first house with this!! In regards to the actual photo... The composition is one of my favourites! I really like it when the subject of the photo is stood in the left or right 1/3 of the photograph, and the rest filled with background. I think it makes us appreciate the background setting more and therefore gives the photo more meaning and passion.

Colour. Patterns. Model. Music. Texture. Attitude.

Creating a 'Big Brother' style photo shot.

It works how each models head it composed in a different angle. It gives the photograph and edgy structure.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009


I've always considered myself to be one of those people who are easily influenced to buy an outfit because they've seen it styled so perfectly on a celebrity. And this definitly is the case.
I came along the dress on 'Stars love Topshop' and instantly fell in love with it. Seeing clothes on models, and captured in photographs i think is a much more effective method of propoganda, and i think would increase sales incredibly if major stores like Topshop caught onto this.
Anyway, the fact of this matter is, when i checked how much this dress would deprive me from, i got a joyous shock!!- £30. THIRTY POUNDS FOR A CELEBRITY STYLED MODELLED DRESS IN 2 OF MY FAVOURITE COLOURS!!! Hello Topshop! :)

City Blonde- Muriel Vega

Credit to:

Into the Woods

Yet again Alice and Wonderland has found some amazing, stunning images, and i just have to blog them as i find them so beautiful, and find them especially relevant now autumn itself is drawing in on us!
Publication: W Magazine August 2007
Photographers: Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot
Stylist: Alex White

Photographer: David Titlow

Photographer David Titlow is so down to earth with his images, that the overall image from his photography is soft and very much natural, unlike many photoshopped images we are seeing today. His poses are very relaxed, and calming, with models posed in positions we would take to relax in.

This image in particular is my favourite.

Credit to: ilovewildfox

Friday, 14 August 2009


I think Megan Fox makes spectacle wearers' all over Britain feel proud to be a wearer too. She proves that they're not just an unfashionable solution that we have to face as a solution from poor eyesight. Instead, she turns glasses into a fashion accessorie!
I'm going for an eye test and some new glasses soon, and i too will be looking out for a similar pair to a la Fox.

Thursday, 13 August 2009


Loving the fairytale book layout with the minimum text and lots of imagery. The big 'I' makes you attracted to read the text though, and not be too distracted by the strong image used.
Source: The Fashion Spot

Credit to: Alice in Wonderland


I think this image is truely stunning, and although we are only at the beginning of August, it has got me majorly excited about the magical events of the festive period already!!!
I think her silver nail paint is going to be perfect for the frosty months to come, and to enhance it, to add a massive embellished ring alike Galliano.
Also love the quirky update take on the red lipstick, by adding some glitter for xmas, but keeping it sophisticated and not tacky at the same time!

Credit to:
Source: John Galliano S/S 08.

I came across these images from Alice in Wonderland and find Mary Kate absolutly stunning. I want a coat similar to this for winter months so so badly!!! My eyes will be peeled in all vintage shops!! And i love how she makes her simple, grey hat look so effortly stylish and warm. And i'm not even going to mention THAT RING AND BAG!!!!
Credit to:

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Like.- colour, graphics, composition, black and white...

Nylon Korea

These images are all so pure and innocent, in poses, colours and lighting. I particularly like the addition of the peach splash of colour in the second image, i think it works well in keeping with the innocence of the black and white image.
Source: Nylon Korea May 2009.

Corrine Day inspiration

Inspiration from Corrine here? I think so. But i love it! Rebecca Willa Davis has taken a fresh, more autumn approach on Day's style by adding a stricter colour scheme of warm, golden, rusty colours, and the model is posing in a more posed, and active manner. Both are favourite photos of mine, but Corrine's capture of Moss above i think is truely stunning, and her natural beauty is let to do all the work, with the fairy lights emphasising her delicacy.



Let's talk about sex.

You need the guts and confidence to wear this delicous shade, but when it's worn, see your personality soar as you strut through the crowds diva style. Instant update and edge to any look. I'm going out tommorow to find my perfect shade.